Tuesday 7 April 2015

Teachers or fighters

Today I read a post on a blog from a teacher who was leaving their job in the Easter holidays. This teacher said that they felt that teaching was no longer a job but a lifestyle choice. For me, teaching is a vocation. Teachers don't teach because they want a job but because they want to make a difference to children's lives. As a teacher myself, I went into teaching because I wanted to help children learn and make their way in the world.

Clearly there has been a shift in teaching. With austerity measures and budget cuts, there are less teachers to do the same amount of work. I agree that teaching is not a 9 - 5 job but this has never been the case. Reports have always been there, marking has always been there, planning has always been there. So what makes today's climate any different? And why, when development and improvement are the bread and butter of teaching, do teachers shy away from improving their own situation? How is it that leaving the profession is going to make the situation any better? Surely a better way to deal with the situation would be to speak up, look for efficiencies in working and improve the situation?

I also agree that as a mother, it is difficult to balance an increasing workload with family life. I can see the point of view that your own children should not suffer because of your job. But on the flip side, I teach my own 2 children that you do unto others as you would have them do unto you. This means that if you give up on the job, you are teaching your children that it's ok to give up on things when they get tough. My own children also understand that the children I teach need me as much as they do. They are happy to share me. They know that they are loved and they are the most important things to me in the world. I tell them this regularly and I spend as much time as I can with them.

I feel sad that this teacher felt she had to leave the profession. The world is now short of another fabulous teacher who gives children a great education and hope that they have a bright future ahead of them. And I feel frustrated that she gave in. I understand all of her reasons for this but wish that we had more teachers to join the fight.