Friday 28 December 2012

Resolutions Schmesolutions

So, the new year's resolution of keeping the blog up to date worked well then.......hahaha! I wish I had time to update this more regularly but unfortunately life takes over. I am loving my new career as a full time teacher. The children I teach are wonderful and the school is fabulous. The only worries I have are that I'm not teaching them enough or that I won't get a permanent contract in the summer. Fingers crossed, que cera cera and all that...

Tuesday 31 July 2012

Scary Biccies!!!!

Oh god.......It's getting close now. The first step on the next wrung of the ladder. I've stepped off the student teacher level and out into the big scary world of School!!! The first day is hurtling towards me like a high speed train and I'm caught in it's path. Sounds extreme but it is just about as scary as that....  I've mind-mapped my topic but really need to do more on it. Finding time to do anything when you are trying to relax and ignore the oncoming traffic is a bit stressful! I hope that the feelings of uncertainty and doubt in myself subside quickly after I get started. Everyone keeps telling me this and I do know it will but it's a scary underlying fear that it won't. Hopefully in a few more blogs time I will have less of the word "scary" and more of the word "excited"!

k x x

Saturday 7 July 2012

<a href="" title="Wordle: Mrs Smith"><img src="" alt="Wordle: Mrs Smith" style="padding:4px;border:1px solid #ddd"></a>
 <a href="" 
          title="Wordle: Mrs Smith"><img
          alt="Wordle: Mrs Smith"
          style="padding:4px;border:1px solid #ddd"></a>

Tuesday 3 January 2012

Am aff it!

Eeeeuchhh! That's it, I've had enough. Food and drink and not doing anything I mean! To me, christmas is all about relaxing, spending time with your family and friends and having fun. And I've definately done that this festive period. Having such a manic every day life makes it even more important for me to do as little as possible during the holidays. So this year, I've taken advantage and relaxed to my full potential. But now I'm over it......... I can't sit on my increasingly big behind anymore. Back to work tomorrow, hopefully to get back into the swing of normality. 

I think there comes a point for everyone where enough is enough. Everything is good in moderation so they say and I've had my moderated amount of christmas cheer. So it's time to take 2012 by the hand and get stuck in. Back to work, get into a bit of exercise and then work, work, work on uni stuff to make the best attempt I can to be a great teacher and pass my course with flying colours. The batteries are recharged and I'm raring to go..... just after I've finished off the pizza supper winging it's way to me....... 

Sunday 1 January 2012

New year, New blog

2012 is here. Already. So what does the year hold in store for us? Brilliant things, or the end of the world? I hope it's not the latter, else I will be one very upset woman! Like everyone else, I wish for the good things. Lots of time spent with family and friends, healthy children, happy husband, growing career and that winning lottery ticket! It's only in retrospect that we'll know if it's been a good one or not. But I'm hoping it will be one to remember so I am going to try and record it all here so that I can look back at the end of December and remember the good points and learn from the bad.

So far, it's been a good one, and we're only on the first! I spent the first few minutes with my children and parents (via skype, technology is wonderful), a stolen hour with my wonderful hubby in between his shifts, a walk in the fresh air with lots of friends, a visit to a new house and then dinner with my family. Finished off with glass of rose wine and a bit of adele on the telly! Perfect!

So, hopes for 2012, lets get them out there in the virtual world! I hope that I can pass my teaching course to the best of my ability and that I get a nice class for my probation year. I want to spend more time with my family and friends and help my kids to do their best in life, not just in school. Jess has decided that she wants this year to be the one she learns to ride her bike and Dan is aiming high with ambitions to watch all of the pirates of the carribean films! If I get to December with my sanity and marriage intact then I will have done well!

So aw' the best! I hope it's a good one for me and everyone!