Monday 7 January 2013

First day back.....

11.30pm, time for bed, 12pm, should really get to sleep, 1am need to get up for work soon, 2am better just read a book for a while, 3am AAARRRGGGHHH! So tired now! First day back though was ok. Half of the class were tired as well so we dragged ourselves through the day together. Used our online planning tool for the first time with the class and it wasn't entirely successful. I used the predetermined learning intentions instead of writing my own which was a mistake. I should definitely have made it more child friendly before I put it up on the screen. There were a few confused looks when we looked at them so it's back to the drawing board. I had also differentiated poems for Burns day for the class to learn and recite. However, what I hadn't banked on was a group not enjoying the poem I had chosen for them and deciding that they wanted to learn the one that was given to another group. I allowed them to do that but I heard another teacher saying to someone that she was going to let her class trade up poems but not trade down. It was one of those, "why didn't I think of that?!" moments. Oh well, you live and you learn. I am looking forward to teaching poetry though. Will be fun to think of descriptive scots words!


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